
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Destino: A New Japan Pro Wrestling Podcast "G1 Update Nights 1-12"
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
This weeks long awaited return episode of Destino: A New Japan Pro Wrestling Podcast is a run down of nights 1-12 of the G1 Climax Tournament, as well as an update from what's going on with Destino, where we've been, and where we're going. Download this double packed episode with @NotJargo and @_DJMASSFX_ now!
Michael Jargo @NotJargo
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Vince Russo's The Brand
Grab a Bag of Russo Bro Coffee from thebroasters.com
Stevie Richards Fitness
Pro Wrestling Tees
Syndication Links:
Hamin Media: hackerhamin.podbean.com
PWHustle: pwhustlenetworks.podbean.com
HTM Podcast Network: hittingthemarks.com
The Gorilla Position: thegorillaposition.com
Last Word On Pro Wrestling: lastwordonprowrestling.com
Indy Pro Wrestling: IndyPW.com
Pandora: pandora.com
iHeart Radio: iHeart.com

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Horror Pop After Midnight: Jim McCan
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
This weeks Horror Pop After Midnight features Jim McCan to discuss his new script Luna, the legacy of horror, which films scared him, working with Stan Lee and his upcoming Marvel Zombies a Christmas Carol.

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Turnbuckle Talk Episode 187: All Your Twitch Are Belong To Us
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
On our 187th episode Big Joe and Karl Karufel are back with more wrestling discussion, including;
WWE taking over the Twitch channels of their talents.
AEW Dynamite one year old. Our thoughts on the show so far.
NJPW G1 update
Our thoughts on the Roman Reigns heel run so far
Breaking News Segment
Match of the Week Segment
Showstopper Segment
What’s our secret to our longevity and consistency?
Like, share, and enjoy.
We are a proud part of The Chairshot at thechairshot.com
Also presented by The HTM Podcast Network at https://hittingthemarks.podbean.com/
In association with https://indypw.com
Check out our Sponsors:Want to be part of the Hottest Wrestling Brand Around? Visit our Friends at COLLARxELBOW - Personal Link for Turnbuckle Talk - http://lddy.no/r1k
While there make sure to use Promo Code : JKPODCAST at the check out for a sweet 10% off your purchase!
And in partnership with Fenix at FNXFit.com where you can get 15% off all your health supplements when using promo code TBTalkPod.
Also check out our friends at CWE Canada's Wrestling Elite at http://cwecanada.net/
How to support Turnbuckle Talk:Anytime - http://paypal.me/jkpodcast in case you feel inclined to support!
Connect with us on our Social Media Platforms:
Twitter : tbtalkpod
Facebook : tbtalkpod
Instagram : tbtalkpod

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Turnbuckle Talk Episode 186: The Tag Team Special
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
On our 186th episode Big Joe and Karl Karufel are joined by Michaël Jargo and Richard Bronson Vickrey for more wrestling discussion, including;
Tribute and memories of Road Warrior Animal (and Hawk)
Our favourite tag teams throughout the years and standout tag team moments
Current state of tag team wrestling in WWE and other wrestling promotions and who does it best currently
Breaking News Segment
Match of the Week segment
(Your favourite tag team match of all time)
Showstopper Segment
Most outrageous moment in professional wrestling that you've ever seen
Like, share, and enjoy.
We are a proud part of The Chairshot at thechairshot.com
Also presented by The HTM Podcast Network at https://hittingthemarks.podbean.com/
In association with https://indypw.com
Check out our Sponsors:Want to be part of the Hottest Wrestling Brand Around? Visit our Friends at COLLARxELBOW - Personal Link for Turnbuckle Talk - http://lddy.no/r1k
While there make sure to use Promo Code : JKPODCAST at the check out for a sweet 10% off your purchase!
And in partnership with Fenix at FNXFit.com where you can get 15% off all your health supplements when using promo code TBTalkPod.
Also check out our friends at CWE Canada's Wrestling Elite at http://cwecanada.net/
How to support Turnbuckle Talk:Anytime - http://paypal.me/jkpodcast in case you feel inclined to support!
Connect with us on our Social Media Platforms:
Twitter : tbtalkpod
Facebook : tbtalkpod
Instagram : tbtalkpod

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Horror Pop After Midnight: Lauren Lox
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
This weeks Horror Pop features writer/director Lauren Lox. She discusses her short horror film "Fate", films she was in, being a mom and upcoming projects.

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Turnbuckle Talk Episode 185: What About The Kids?
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
On our 185th episode Big Joe and Karl Karufel are back with more wrestling discussion, including;
An inspirational PCO story
Sting vs Undertaker. Any chance this happens?
Ronda Rousey eventually returning to WWE? Our thoughts on that as a possibility
ROH 2020 Pure tournament
NJPW G1 update
Breaking news
Match of The Week Segment
Showstopper Segment - Younger generation doesn’t seem to be interested in wrestling. What can help turn them into fans?
Like, share, and enjoy.
We are a proud part of The Chairshot at thechairshot.com
Also presented by The HTM Podcast Network at https://hittingthemarks.podbean.com/
In association with https://indypw.com
Check out our Sponsors:Want to be part of the Hottest Wrestling Brand Around? Visit our Friends at COLLARxELBOW - Personal Link for Turnbuckle Talk - http://lddy.no/r1k
While there make sure to use Promo Code : JKPODCAST at the check out for a sweet 10% off your purchase!
And in partnership with Fenix at FNXFit.com where you can get 15% off all your health supplements when using promo code TBTalkPod.
Also check out our friends at CWE Canada's Wrestling Elite at http://cwecanada.net/
How to support Turnbuckle Talk:Anytime - http://paypal.me/jkpodcast in case you feel inclined to support!
Connect with us on our Social Media Platforms:
Twitter : tbtalkpod
Facebook : tbtalkpod
Instagram : tbtalkpod

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Horror Pop After Midnight: Eric 'The Paranormal' Fallen
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
This weeks Horror Pop features paranormal investigator/Indie Pro Wrestler Eric Fallen to discuss his love for horror and Halloween, Michael Myers, and the origin of Paranormal Fallen.

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Turnbuckle Talk Episode 184: WWE Guys
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
On our 184th episode Big Joe and Karl Karufel are back with more wrestling discussion, including;
Miro formerly “Rusev” of WWE, makes debut in AEW
AEW crosses 1 million viewers
More names to be released from WWE
Breakdown of NJPW G1 blocks and tournament
Wrestling promotions to watch that aren’t WWE that fans may not be aware of
Breaking news
Match of the Week Segment
Showstopper Segment - With wrestlers going to other companies is it fair that we refer to them as "a WWE guy"?
Like, share, and enjoy.
We are a proud part of The Chairshot at thechairshot.com
Also presented by The HTM Podcast Network at https://hittingthemarks.com/
In association with https://indypw.com
Check out our Sponsor:Want to be part of the Hottest Wrestling Brand Around? Visit our Friends at COLLARxELBOW - Personal Link for Turnbuckle Talk - http://lddy.no/r1k
While there make sure to use Promo Code : JKPODCAST at the check out for a sweet 10% off your purchase!
And in partnership with Fenix at FNXFit.com where you can get 15% off all your health supplements when using promo code TBTalkPod.
Also check out our friends at CWE Canada's Wrestling Elite at http://cwecanada.net/
How to support Turnbuckle Talk:Anytime - http://paypal.me/jkpodcast in case you feel inclined to support!
Connect with us on our Social Media Platforms:
Twitter : tbtalkpod
Facebook : tbtalkpod
Instagram : tbtalkpod

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Horror Pop After Midnight: Horror Pop First Blood
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Robyn Nelson is back with his all new show "Horror Pop After Midnight" now available at hittingthemarks.com On this introduction episode, Robyn and his co-host Nicole dive into their passion for horror, urban legends, Slashes Graveyard, tales of growing up, and Nicole's Guinness Book of World Records attempt. New episodes coming soon to the #HTMPodcast Network

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Turnbuckle Talk Episode 183: The Four Man Band
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
On our 183rd episode Big Joe and Karl Karufel are joined by Michael Melchor and Ryan K Boman for more wrestling discussion, including;
We reminisce about our time with the Gorilla Position
What have Ryan and Mike been up to since selling the site.
Why are newer talents not able to get themselves over with the audience
Match or the week segment
Breaking news segment
Showstopper Segment - Vince banning talent from any third party activity outside of the WWE
Like, share, and enjoy.
We are a proud part of The Chairshot at thechairshot.com
Also presented by The HTM Podcast Network at https://hittingthemarks.podbean.com/
In association with https://indypw.com
Check out our Sponsors:Want to be part of the Hottest Wrestling Brand Around? Visit our Friends at COLLARxELBOW - Personal Link for Turnbuckle Talk - http://lddy.no/r1k
While there make sure to use Promo Code : JKPODCAST at the check out for a sweet 10% off your purchase!
And in partnership with Fenix at FNXFit.com where you can get 15% off all your health supplements when using promo code TBTalkPod.
Also check out our friends at CWE Canada's Wrestling Elite at http://cwecanada.net/
How to support Turnbuckle Talk:Anytime - http://paypal.me/jkpodcast in case you feel inclined to support!
Connect with us on our Social Media Platforms:
Twitter : tbtalkpod
Facebook : tbtalkpod
Instagram : tbtalkpod

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Wrestle Popcast with Robyn Nelson 09.08.2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
@WPopcast1 is back with a whole new edition of the Wrestle Popcast presented by the #HTMPodcastNetwork. On todays show, Robyn is joined along side Malia Hosaka of WOW Superheroes. Former NWA World womens champ and now part of WOW Hosaka joins the Popcast to discuss being part of WCW, working with Medusa, tagging with Bambi, getting in the ring with Cody Hawk, Wendy Richter, and Sherri Martel. All this and more on this weeks Wrestle Popcast.

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Turnbuckle Talk Episode 182: Good Reigns, Bad Reigns
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
On our 182nd episode Big Joe and Karl Karufel are back with more wrestling discussion, including;
Jon Moxley voted number number PWI 500
NJPW runs show at Jingu Stadium in Japan and wraps up the Summer Struggle Tour
CFO no longer doing music for WWE
Kross wins title then immediately has to relinquish it due to injury during the match.
Breaking News
Match of the Week Segment
Showstopper Segment - Is WWE finally doing the right thing with Roman Reigns?
Like, share, and enjoy.
We are a proud part of The Chairshot at thechairshot.com
Also presented by The HTM Podcast Network at https://hittingthemarks.podbean.com/
In association with https://indypw.com
Check out our Sponsors:Want to be part of the Hottest Wrestling Brand Around? Visit our Friends at COLLARxELBOW - Personal Link for Turnbuckle Talk - http://lddy.no/r1k
While there make sure to use Promo Code : JKPODCAST at the check out for a sweet 10% off your purchase!
And in partnership with Fenix at FNXFit.com where you can get 15% off all your health supplements when using promo code TBTalkPod.
Also check out our friends at CWE Canada's Wrestling Elite at http://cwecanada.net/
How to support Turnbuckle Talk:Anytime - http://paypal.me/jkpodcast in case you feel inclined to support!
Connect with us on our Social Media Platforms:
Twitter : tbtalkpod
Facebook : tbtalkpod
Instagram : tbtalkpod

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Wrestle Popcast with Robyn Nelson 09.01.2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
@WPopcast1 is back with a whole new edition of the Wrestle Popcast presented by the #HTMPodcastNetwork. On todays show, Robyn is joined along side comic book writer John Crowther to talk about his upcoming kickstarter project "The Comic Book Encyclopedia of Pro Wrestling" at Squared Circle comics. Crowther also discusses his interviews with Hacksaw Jim Duggen, Rocky Johnson, The Killer Bees, his friendship with Nikolai Volkoff, and being ribbed by Bruno Sammartino. Crowther also talk about his opportunity to write a biography of The Bushwackers, and being Kevin Sullivans attorney.